Seven Salem Eclipse: Crowned Cultivators Blog

seven salem eclipse: crowned cultivators blog by s. c. easley

Seven Salem Eclipse: Crowned Cultivators Blog

The North American Solar Eclipse aka The Seven Salem Eclipse 

The North American Eclipse, aka The Seven Salem Eclipse, occurred on August 21, 2017. It was called The Seven Salem Eclipse because its path of totality overshadowed seven cities named Salem as it traveled across North America. The eclipse migrated in a southeasterly direction from Salem, Oregon, and crossed the country, reaching the end of its path near Salem, South Carolina.

It passed seven cities named Salem in the following states: Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kentucky, and South Carolina.

  1. Salem, Oregon
  2. Salem, Idaho
  3. Salem, Wyoming
  4. Salem, Nebraska
  5. Salem, Missouri
  6. Salem, Kentucky
  7. Salem, South Carolina

The cosmic chance of a total solar eclipse is extraordinary by itself, but when it takes place over seven cities named Salem, it is an event that should cause us to stop and spend a few moments in awe. What was God up to?

What Occurs During a Total Solar Eclipse?

As explained in the National Geographic video below, “Solar Eclipse 101,” Angeli Gabriel narrates, “A solar eclipse happens when a new moon moves between the earth and the sun, blocking some or all of the sun’s rays from reaching the earth … When the moon does eclipse the sun, it casts two types of shadows on Earth. A smaller, darker shadow, is known as the umbra, and a larger shadow is known as the penumbra.

“There are four types of solar eclipses. The first and most spectacular is a total eclipse, when the moon completely covers the sun’s surface. A total eclipse can only be seen if you are standing within the umbral shadow. That’s why the imaginary line created by this shadow as it races across Earth is known as the path of totality.” (Winer, Jed. “Solar Eclipse 101.” National Geographic. Accessed on November 27, 2019.)

Heavenly Signs 

Could The Seven Salem Eclipse have been a sign from God? Signs visualized in the heavens can signify meaningful events. Should we stop and consider such potential signs?

  • We learn in the Book of Matthew that the star seen by the Maji prompted the wise men to travel to Bethlehem in search of the prophesied King born of the Jews.
  • In the Book of Luke, Jesus tells us that we can expect to see signs in the sun and the moon. 
  • Book of Genesis reminds us that the rainbow observed across the vault is a sign from God, signifying His covenant with all of creation.
  • In the book of Luke, Jesus states, “When we see the signs, know the Kingdom of God is near.”

The Sign of the Covenant

When The Seven Salem Eclipse crossed the seven Salems, it appeared as a golden ring in the sky for several seconds. This phenomenon occurs when the moon aligns with the sun and covers the sun completely, except for the sun’s exposed outer rim. The outer edges observed peeking from behind the moon forms the image of a golden ring. As the moon passes between the sun and Earth, the eclipse projects the appearance of a diamond ring for a brief moment. The engagement ring and its accompanying wedding band are visible in the sky within seconds of each other. 

Let us take this concept a little farther. When we visualize a rainbow in the sky, it comprises seven-colored rings, not half circles. We only see half of the phenomenon from the ground. Suppose we observe a rainbow from a higher elevation, such as from a helicopter or airplane, it is possible to spot the entire circle. The rings of color symbolize the covenant relationship between God and the earth, according to Genesis.

Bands of gold also symbolize a covenant relationship when people marry. The band’s circular form has no beginning or end and symbolizes an eternal union with endless love.

The Sign of Rebirth and Resurrection

There was another ring that most may not recognize. We can only imagine how the scene may have appeared to the soldiers guarding the tomb of Jesus. At the moment of His resurrection, a glorified light must have illuminated the tomb. When Jesus rose again, a golden brilliance would have escaped out from behind the round stone covering his grave. As the stone rolled away, the image would have mimicked the movements of a total solar eclipse. This ring would have been one of God’s most glorious signs. The resurrection of Jesus was God’s ultimate covenant with humankind.

The Sign of Peace

What could a ring over Salem indicate? Why Salem? Some may ask, “Isn’t Salem associated with witchcraft?” No, Salem is not associated with witchcraft. Salem, in Hebrew, signifies ‘Peace.’ The word Salem is also present in the name Jerusalem. Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem at the age of 33, in the year 33 AD. Scientific evidence discovered by Rick Larson, seen in the documentary “The Star of Bethlehem,” suggests a total solar eclipse occurred at the time of Jesus’ death on the cross. This event could explain the well-documented dark sky at the time He died.

In the Books of Genesis and Hebrews, we read about a mysterious king who remains obscure. His name was Melchizedek. He was also known as the King of Salem as well as the King of Peace.

Seven Salem Eclipse: Crowned Cultivators Blog

Seven Salem Eclipse: Crowned Cultivators Blog

“The spectacular solar event that crossed the seven Salems on August 21, 2017, as well as the figure, Melchizedek/the King of Peace/the King of Salem mentioned in the Bible, added to my inspiration to write the novel, P. W. Stone and the Missing KingdomsDiscover what the Seven Salem Eclipse meant for P. W. Stone and the rest of the Salem Seven as they encounter the Kingdom Realm, where the unseen is seen, in the revelatory P. W. Stone and the Missing Kingdoms.” -S. C. Easley 

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Seven Salem Eclipse Crowned Cultivators Blog by S. C. Easley

“And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.” Luke 24:2

Winer, Jed. Narrated by Angeli Gabriel. “Solar Eclipse 101.” National Geographic. Accessed on November 27, 2019.